Back in October of last year, Marvel released this news:
Marvel Enterprises announced on Wednesday it has entered into an agreement with France-based animation studio Antefilms Productions, to produce a new animated television series based on The Fantastic Four.
Under the terms of the agreement, Antefilms will commence production immediately on 26, 30-minute 2D/3D animated episodes. The initial episodes are expected to be completed for worldwide distribution in late-2006.
The deal teams Marvel with an animation company with proven success both domestically and internationally. Two of Antefilms' current series -- Code Lyoko and Funky Cops - -are currently broadcast successfully on Cartoon Network and Fox Box, respectively, in the United States.
"Marvel is firmly committed to strongly support its characters in all relevant entertainment arenas throughout the world," Marvel's Avi Arad said. "We are especially excited that The Fantastic Four TV animation will follow the release of our 2005 feature film with 20th Century Fox, and that we are able to work with such a great animation company as Antefilms to make this happen."
Under the terms of the agreement, Antefilms Productions will fund all of the development costs for the series. Antefilms will produce the content while both companies will oversee the overall creative direction. Marvel will control the U.S. television and subsequent DVD distribution rights, while Moonscoop (Antefilms' distribution brand) will handle sales in the rest of the world.
When I saw this "Anime-esque" image of the FF (along with an emaciated Doctor Doom an maniacal Mole Man) my first reaction was @!$#!#$!$#!#!!!!! -
If the stories are good (and as long as Herbie the robot isn't around) then maybe it'll be worth checking out.
Why oh why can't Marvel get Paul Dini and Bruce Timm to handle their characters???
Just think how good their characters would look if they could grab the creative team from the animated Justice League Unlimited to transfer them to the screen!

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