Monday, November 13, 2006

Yes, another Action Figure #1 Review!

Yes, here's another bit of self promotion as I continue to get the word out about Action Figure; From the Journals of Richard Marzelak.

Today's review is from a long running Comic related Blog, The Johnny Bacardi Show:

S/A: Richard Marcej. (Baboon Books, $3.50)

Office Space-esque hijinks, somewhat autobigraphical, as Richard Marcej the writer/artist gives us "Richard Marzelak" the character, who labors, unappreciated and unhappy, at a large toy company as a concept artist and is given to occasional red-tinged daydream sequences as he yearns to get out of his predicament and become a full-time cartoonist. As an artist, Marzelak is a nice conceptualist- his figure drawings are stiff, awkward and often crude, but he's able to tell a story and cram it full of dialogue and never make it seem cluttered, and there are many other, far more facile and accomplished illustrators that haven't mastered that trick yet. Said dialogue, while rarely witty or clever in itself, is still natural-sounding and sometimes can't help but sympathize with "Richard", especially if one has ever felt underappreciated and overlooked at one's job, particularly one that would seem to be a dream job for many. If you're curious, you can go visit Richard the creator's website, where he has many other publications for you to sample. B+

And as always, you can see preview pages click here
and buy it click here.

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