Since then I've gone out of my way to track down any and all collections of the strip. From hardbacks, trade paperbacks and comic book reprints, if someone publishes 'em, I buy 'em! I've even bought an original piece of art, as this poor digital shot shows. I bought this strip that was originally published in 1963 and have it currently hanging on my wall of framed comic / cartoon artwork.

If you've never read the strip or had no interest in Dick Tracy the character I'm not going to try and "convert" you here. You either have to enjoy reading exciting story lines featuring bizarre, evil bad guys and perilous death traps or not (and please, don't judge the strip on Beatty's piss-poor 1990 movie, which has NOTHING in common with the original comic).
But if you do like Dick Tracy
you might want to stop by and visit this site I found recently. It's The Chester Gould Dick Tracy Museum.

I may have to make a trip to Woodstock, Illinois one day and check it out.
1 comment:
I love Dick Tracy too. Me and my 3-almost-4-year-old son just finished watching the 1937 15-chapter Dick Tracy serial and loved it. He would say "Let's watch 'the flying wing'" and I have to say almost 70 years later I was pretty impressed by that effect too. Good, fun stuff. Wish they'd release the other serials.
I'm pretty new to Dick Tracy collecting, but treasure my hardback Celebrated Cases of Dick Tracy. Sure like the look of that original strip you have too.
I wonder if the late Joe Strummer was a fellow fan since the DC Dick Tracy Treasury got a pretty prominent placement in the Clash's Rock The Casbah video years ago.
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