By now you've probably heard all the hub-bub over the new commercial for Carl's Jr.s starring that "talented" starlet, Paris Hilton. (for those of you unfamiliar with Carls Jr's. it started as a west coast fast food 5th rate hamburger chain that purchased another little known 6th rate hamburger chain called Hardee's too become...... a 5th or 6th rate hamburger chain.)
So what do you do when you're light years away from the big three (Wendys, Burger King & McDonalds)? Improve the product? Offer foods that you can't get elsewhere? Slash your prices?
Grab a the latest hot chick that's known only for - looking hot, soak her up with soap, suds and water, and shove a massive hamburger in her mouth.

Haven't seen the ad yet? Check it out at the director's site here.
Damn, I don't know about you, but that's got me hungry for a Carl's Jr. Hamburger!!!
Well, no..............not, really.
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Gotta love marketing !
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